Asteroid Interactive Logo

About Asteroid

Asteroid Interactive is a Dutch company founded in 2011 by Sander Venema that specializes in webdesign and development for people with high security and privacy needs, smartphone app development, and application development.

Contact us

If you would like to receive more information regarding what Asteroid Interactive could do to help realize your project, or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Asteroid Interactive
Sander Venema

Postal Address:
Sint Martiniplantsoen 31
8801LK Franeker
The Netherlands

Contact information:
T: +31 6 2413 7772
E: (public key)
Fingerprint: 3EE8 2AC1 FB68 3D7B 74AF 59CF 8D34 53A9 9F3D 43FE

KvK number: 52883825